Érase una vez
Érase una vez... un invierno cargado de fantasía. Todo cuento debe empezar así, y el mío no podía ser menos. Pero mi cuento ha sufrido una modificación hacia esta época de modernidad, y la capa roja de caperucita se ha transformado en una chupa de cuero. ¡Caperucita rocks!
Once upon a time ... a winter full of fantasy. Every story must begin well, and mine would expect. But my story has undergone a modification to this era of modernity, and the red layer 's caperucita has turned into a leather jacket. Caperucita rocks!
De la dulzura e inocencia de caperucita pasamos así a la rebeldía y espíritu rocker que aporta esta chaqueta motera en piel roja, con cuello chimenea y maxicremalleras paralelas frontales. El origen de la biker roja nos transporta a los años 80 cuando Michael Jackson se transformaba en zombie en su video de "Thriller". Pero este es otro cuento...
The sweetness and innocence of caperucita well spent to rebellion and rocker spirit that makes this biker jacket in red leather, with funnel neck and parallel maxicremalleras front. The origin of the red biker takes us back to the 80s when Michael Jackson was transformed into zombie in his video for "Thriller". But this is another story ...
The sweetness and innocence of caperucita well spent to rebellion and rocker spirit that makes this biker jacket in red leather, with funnel neck and parallel maxicremalleras front. The origin of the red biker takes us back to the 80s when Michael Jackson was transformed into zombie in his video for "Thriller". But this is another story ...
La colección "This is legend" de Bimba y Lola se inspira en un mundo de magia y oscuridad, evocando a mujeres guerreras, princesas, hadas, brujas y animalitos mitológicos. Sorprende por su espíritu gótico y misterioso; es una colección que no deja indiferente a nadie, y a mí me parece maravillosa. Es una opción diferente al resto de propuestas, ¿no te parece? Sus prints fantasiosos se adaptarían perfectamente a cualquier cuento, y en el mío juega un papel protagonista.
The collection "This is legend" from Bimba y Lola is inspired by a world of magic and darkness, evoking women warriors, princesses, fairies, witches and mythological animals. Surprised by its gothic and mysterious spirit; is a collection that leaves no one indifferent, and I think it wonderful. It is different from other proposed option, do not you think? His whimsical prints perfectly adapt to any story, and mine plays a leading role.
El bolso "tote" de fondo negro con serpientes de colores aporta cierto aire de misterio y magia al look. La estética original del "tote" proviene de las cestas de mimbre, que antiguamente se utilizaban para ir al mercado. Se caracteriza pues por ser un bolso amplio, espacioso y ligero que permite llevar muchas cosas dentro. Una vez más, la cesta de caperucita se ha transformado en un tote bag de snake print.
The "tote" bag black background with colorful snakes brings an air of mystery and magic to look. The original aesthetic of "tote" comes from wicker baskets, which formerly used to go to market. It is therefore characterized by a broad, roomy and lightweight bag that allows to take many things inside. Again, caperucita shopping has become a snake print tote bag.
The "tote" bag black background with colorful snakes brings an air of mystery and magic to look. The original aesthetic of "tote" comes from wicker baskets, which formerly used to go to market. It is therefore characterized by a broad, roomy and lightweight bag that allows to take many things inside. Again, caperucita shopping has become a snake print tote bag.
¿Qué cuento no tiene un poco de purpurina? Si en la época medieval en la que se ambientan destacaban el terciopelo, las transparencias y los prints de fantasía, no te parecerá extraño que añada un toque de purpurina a mis pies. Tras aparecer en los desfiles de Saint Laurent, los glitter shoes llegan como una propuesta divertida y original.
What story does not have a little glitter? If the medieval era that emphasized acclimate velvet, transparencies and prints of fantasy, will not seem strange that add a touch of glitter to my feet. After appearing in parades of Saint Laurent, the glitter shoes come as a fun and original proposal.
What story does not have a little glitter? If the medieval era that emphasized acclimate velvet, transparencies and prints of fantasy, will not seem strange that add a touch of glitter to my feet. After appearing in parades of Saint Laurent, the glitter shoes come as a fun and original proposal.
Caperucita tenía dos caminos para llegar a su objetivo: uno largo y otro corto. Mi última aportación al cuento de hoy viene en forma de maxi-abrigo peludo. La tendencia faux fur viene pisando fuerte desde hace varias temporadas, pero esta es la definitiva. La ciudad se ha transformado en una selva donde podemos ver todo tipo de pelajes, desde tonos neutros a colores candy, estampados, pelo largo, corto, liso o rizado. ¡Toda una nueva especie en el asfalto!
Caperucita had two ways to reach your target, one long and one short. My last contribution to the story today comes as a maxi-coat hairy. The faux fur trend is going strong for several seasons, but this is the final. The city has become a jungle where we can see all kinds of fur, from neutrals to candy colors, prints, short, straight or curly long hair. A whole new kind on asphalt!
Caperucita had two ways to reach your target, one long and one short. My last contribution to the story today comes as a maxi-coat hairy. The faux fur trend is going strong for several seasons, but this is the final. The city has become a jungle where we can see all kinds of fur, from neutrals to candy colors, prints, short, straight or curly long hair. A whole new kind on asphalt!
Desde siempre he deseado tener uno de esos abrigos de pelo que lucen las señoras mayores tan elegantemente, siempre en tonos discretos como marrón o negro. ¡Al fin esta temporada he dado con el mío! Largo midi y con una cremallera central que le da el toque de modernidad al "yaya´s coat". Me gusta combinarlo con prendas y complementos de estilos diferentes que le quiten sobriedad, adjetivo implícito en este tipo de abrigos. Y lo mejor de todo, siendo de piel sintética, luce un pelaje que mezcla tonos marronáceos con negro, dándole un aire más fantástico si cabe.
I have always wanted to have one of those hair coats worn by the older ladies so elegantly, always in muted tones like brown or black. At last this season have been with mine! Long midi and a central zip that gives a touch of modernity to "grandmother's coat". I like to combine it with clothes and accessories of different styles you remove sobriety, implicit in this kind of coats adjective. And best of all, with faux fur, wears a coat that brownish tones mixed with black, giving it a more fantastic if possible appearance.
I have always wanted to have one of those hair coats worn by the older ladies so elegantly, always in muted tones like brown or black. At last this season have been with mine! Long midi and a central zip that gives a touch of modernity to "grandmother's coat". I like to combine it with clothes and accessories of different styles you remove sobriety, implicit in this kind of coats adjective. And best of all, with faux fur, wears a coat that brownish tones mixed with black, giving it a more fantastic if possible appearance.
Y colorín colorado, este cuento se ha acabado....por ahora.
And red bunting, this story is over .... for now.
And red bunting, this story is over .... for now.
Biker roja: Bimba Y Lola
Bolso tote: Bimba y Lola
Camisa: H&M
Cinturón: Mango
Zapatos glitter: Zara
Pantalones: Uterqüe
Pañuelo: Bimba y Lola
Abrigo pelo: Bimba y Lola
Me encanta todos los looks y los zapatos y el cinturón son geniales!!!
Nice bag and black top!